Hard Disk Sentinel Pro 4 64 Bit free download

Hard Disk Sentinel Pro 4

Hard Disk Sentinel Pro Beta build 8128 Multilingual

Hard Disk Sentinel is a hard disk monitoring application for multi-OS. Its goal is to find, test, diagnose and repair problems hard drive, display hard disk health, performance degradation and failure. Hard Disk Sentinel gives complete textual description, tips and displays / reports the most comprehensive information on the hard drive inside the computer or in an outer shell (USB / e-SATA). Many alarms gwahanolac reporting optionsin razpolozhenieza to ensure maximum security of your valuable data.

Hard Disk Sentinel monitors ciężkiejjazdy, including the values ​​of health, temperature and all (self-monitoring analysis and reporting technology built into most modern hard drives) for each hard disks. It also is measured disk speed moving image in real time, which can be used to detect any failure or jakoodniesienia performance Hard Disk Sentinel ddisgGall be usedeffectively prevent serious damage or data loss because it has the most sensitive health system tvardiyadisk Rating of disk wrażliwyproblemów right. So it can not even be a small problem can not be ignored and data loss or failure to predict. It allows you to backup important and valuable data. The professional version is scheduled and automatic backup options (on-problem) dlaAbyatal data loss due to failures, but not only by malicious software or accidental deletiontoo.

Here are some key features of “Hard Disk Sentinel Professional”:

Easy to use interface

All sapokazva information in the main window. głównyKontrole allow easy navigation to access all hard disks, partitions and other information. Consumer information display elements intuitive using green / yellow / red ddynodidifrifoldeb the interface problem. opisTekst detailed context-sensitive help of guiding the user through the features and options.

1.Installation 2. Configuration 3. Stay protected

Just install, configure alerts and backup options and your system is safe. Be uvedomeniza problems – but if everything is OK, Hard Disk Sentinel just sits on tray and displays current status. Data is protected even after 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Instant analysis -Gall Hard Disk Sentinel communicate with IDE, Serial ATA and SCSI hard drives in order to ascertain their condition and temperature. Disk status are displayedzacząćaplikacji not immediately necessary to analyze the disk for a long period of time. It shows the current temperature and the highest for the hard drive.

Tomozhe read all general and vendor-specific features and monitor their values. For advanced users, all suroweWyświetlane also data, gynnwysoriau incorporation or number of errors read / write. Hard Disk Sentinel interprets the performance and efficiency values ​​and calculate the efficiency and health related percent,total power on time and estimated life.

statusDysku in Windows Explorer – View the current health status and used space in Windows Explorer or another program, so Chevy’ll always know the amount of space used for each partition and disk status.

Information on demand – you can see the presennoltymheredd healthcare system HDDi tray, in a small window at the top and status. Average and maximum temperatures are logged for all hard drives and this informationwill be displayed in graphs for statistical purposes.

Logging – Hard Disk Sentinel logs all the parameters deterioration SMART. For example, if the new drive natvardiya irreversible sector, you’ll find out.

Alerts – Hard Disk Sentinel can make different kinds of signalauphroblemau diverse. It can perform various tasks (even external applications) in case of a problem. Dzienniedobra condition may send emails.

Disk details – Detect and information displaysfor each disk, the number of means and buffer size to all the features you want. It also shows the maximum number of available methods and current transfers.

Performance Disk -Dnevnitsi how the data is data write przeczytanelub on the hard drive. arddangosfeyddmae’r current transfer rate for reading and writing and estimates available (theoretical) transfer rate for the highest hard drive specific.

Disk Partitions – Displays partitions for each hard diskstype and physical and information sposobuwykorzystywać them, so they can not run out of space. Hard Disk Sentinel sends this information automatically warning messages / status.

Extinguishing – offers the option to disable the computer to malfunction, or degradation of overheating paramedr.Gall this option be further używanaaby prevent data loss.

Acoustic Control – provides the ability to control the level of acoustic IDE / ATA hard disk-S. It is possible to increase performance or make the disks more silent.

synchronizationClock – offers the ability to synchronize atomic clock via NTP clock MS (Network Time Protocol).

Improvements – Hard Disk Sentinel is improving. Additional features will be available soon. If you have an idea that can badepolezno, let us know.

What’s new:

opening full status, health, life writing, and additional statistics: support for memory card industry InnoDisk (micro SD) memory added.

Additional support for the card industry Delkin (Micro SD) Memory: fully open state of health,life and writing additional statistics.

dodanywsparcie for industrial memory cards (micro) SD and USB-based managers Hyperstone: fully open state of health, life and writing additional statistics.

support ychwanegolKINGSTON SSD SUV400S37120G

Additional support for additional full status NVMeDyski SSD Samsung SSD PM951 to open

Additional support for Smart Array RAID HP managers H240

better support for solid state drives Intenso

Improved support for SCSI / SASMaxtor Atlas

update installer

digital signature update


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Hard Disk Sentinel Pro 4

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