Icecream Ebook Reader PRO v4 x86-x64 free download Activated

Icecream Ebook Reader PRO v4

Ice Cream ebook reader PRO Multilingua

Ice cream eBook reader software ePub, PDF, MOBI, FB2 and file converter. Gestisci fourth stage Library sul Tuo PC and Windows sul Tuo whole. Trasforma questo programs here schermo del Tuo computer in Comodo UN letto di Libri di elettronici permettendoti sfogliarne le Pagine, utilizare and segnalibri, contact the libraryversion control “l’avanzamento di lettura ECC.


GestisciLa phase four library nei formatiFB2, ePub, PDF, Mobi, etc.

Avanzamento di lettura

Paginekontrola testing and pineapple to meet the needs of a healthy diet.

ricerca libro

Strumento got started di ricerca aiuter and trovare and libro di Kew bisogno in Titolo Autore up.

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Modalit schermo intero

Sfrutta le potenzialità del Tuo lettore ePub utilizzando of modalit schermo intero.


Utilizza iSegnalibri for Traccia Tenere delle party della lettura tanotua souvenirs.

Modalit notturna

Leggi not slack.

Modalit libro

TrasformaIl Tuo schermo UN libro goderti to le tue lettura in total comfort.

Ice cream eBook reader software to readyou can read e-books in ePub, PDF, MOBI, FB2, and other popular formats. Managing digital library on your PC or laptop with Windows. This program converts the computer screen wygodneCzytnik e-books to browse the site, matumizibookmarks, browse in the library,look at the success in reading and so on.


Manage a library of digital formats fb2, ePub, PDF, Mobi, etc.


Check the number of pages that you have read and continue reading from where the suspension.

Search for books

seeking helpfind the book you need by author or title.

What else Icecream ebook reader makes it so special?

full screen

Use możliwościOdtwarzaczaEPUB using full screen mode.


Use tabs to keep track of the most memorable part of the study.

night mode

readingfrom light or dark light.

Mode Book

Turn your screen into a book to enjoy learning total comfort.


Operating System Windows 10, 8, Windows 7, Windows 2003, Windows 2000, Windows 8, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows Server 2008, 10

Processor Intel, AMD qualsiasi Altro parallel processor and processor / richiestoprocessorePi UN Potenteportatili be arranged;

Di 512MB RAM memory (1GB consigliato); Da 30 MB 300 MB hard dis sull’hard spazio Libero.

Icecream Ebook Reader PRO v4

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  • Icecream Ebook Reader PRO v4 download

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