Medal of Honor: Allied Assault was the first game in the Medal of Honor series, but it was the last a first person shooter, action-packed, not just a thrill, but also awakened horror and heroism of the Second World War. Iconic D-Day landing sequence game inspired by the movie SavingPrivate Ryan is a classic of the genre today. The game brought forth a series of sequels and additional revenues. Exciting battle action from Medal of Honor: Allied Assault shouldA young officer ranger cherezdzlich dangerous missions during the Second World War. Although the game is the most famous for its combat sequences most of its missions is a more traditional shooter tariff. These missions are varied and entertaining, even in the middle of the game Omaha Beach Set piece is undoubtedly the most memorable. For fans of Medal of Honor franchise is a cameo or link to heroesother games in the series. Deserved classic
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