Sparkle (Jace Norman) is a wisecracking teenagers monkeys living on an abandoned planet with their friends and Chunk Vix (Jessica Biel). thirteen years ago, power-hungry Zhong took control of beta planet destroys families Sparkle and sending him to hide. Now it plans to useChungśmiertelne place Kraken to destroy the entire universe, and not one, but one spark can stop.
Sparkle, teen monkey and his friends, gypsum and Vix, is on a mission to restore the planet Bana – Empire zafatidominiramDzhung order. thirteen years ago, power madZhong General Takes Overcontrol of the planet Bana and ripped to pieces in the process. Now divided into hundreds of pieces, Zhong evil overlord-Bana, rule with an iron hand. Bring candles, teens monkey and his friends, Vix, battle ready technology plastrazrozumiały fox and boar. Iskra teaches Zhong secret planto take over the universe by capturing a giant monster known as the Kraken – an animal that has mokjsozdavanje black holes. If Chung goes podignatmokj Kraken will have the most dangerous weapons in the history of your fingers, and that spark and jegoprzyjaciele stop. Spark path took him to many parts ofspace, where he faces a great danger and reveals the secret of his true identity. An action-packed space adventure full of humor and heart, Spark is a story about a boy who brings dużyodpowiedzialność and in the process reveals its true this place universe.
- Spark: A Space Tail 2016 Watch Online
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