VeChat is a free messaging services are very popular, available on Windows PC, and now mobile. Version Desktop allows you to speak and share files as you can on the mobile version.
Associated with the use of AndaUntuk VeChat mobile account, you must apply for a warrant toyour phone number. Windows version of the guidance of mobile applications. To register, simply download the app on your phone, enter the phone number, then enter verifikasiekodeJidikirim.Memberikan aplikasike access to your contacts, you can see who has usedVeChat. For the Windows version, you get the phone and take a picture KR code that appears on the screen. Done. VeChat for Windows is open, it looks and feels similar to a mobile phone base relatif.Fungsional chatDengan VeChat applications, you can chat with your contacts via the desktop, and receivenotification when someone bleached. You can also send files. file transfer can be helpful in Windows than on mobile devices (Especially if you have iOS users), Once you have the file type you want to simply send via VeChat.VeChat. In addition to text chat and file transfer,You can send a screenshot and emoji. A good tool to automatically contract to make more of your windows. Where VeChat lags behind other programs such as Skype or Facebook Messenger is the lack of voice or aanvideo chat.Tetap committed without ponselVeChat for Windows is a useful addition to mobileapplications, but not bisamenggunakanniabez phone bill. This is useful if you want to connect to live without looking at the phone!
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