Epic Manager Create Your Own Adventuring download Activation

Epic Manager Create Your Own Adventuring


Title: Director of Epic – Create your own agenci Adventuring!

Genre: Action, Rock, RPG Strategy Simulation, early access

Developer: ManaVoid Entertainment

Publisher: ManaVoid Entertainment

Date: June 26, 2016

about the game

You are the CEO and director of its adventure agency, at the same time mostrisky profitable jobs in the Astraeus. Recruit negotiate their contracts adventurers, slanjeOvaj dangerous quests and reap dapatsila get out alive. Expand your services, manage its resources and grow best your competitors to become EpichnayaMenezher!

Epicmanager of a fresh new perspective on genre Tycoon RPG hardly inspired by the classic we all know and love! The game is a unique blend of management and promotion of the registry were found in titles such as Final Fantasy or FootballManager, options nastupstvavkahanay narrative traditionGamebooks series Choose your adventure, epic scope with DD of Lord of the Rings novels and comics tons Princess Bride, all in one amazing package!

System Requirements


OS: Windows Vista

Processor: Dual Core

RAM: 4 GB of RAM

Graphics: The ability to displayand the resolution of 720p

DirectX version

Storage: 4 GB slobodnograskorak

It recommended:

Operating System: Windows 7 or later

Processor: dual core processor

Memory: 4GB memory RAM

Graphics: 1080p display resolution and is able to

DirectX version

Storage: 4 GB of free space

Epic Manager Create Your Own Adventuring

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